Grazie Nonna

Grazie Nonna (2023) “Grazie nonna” is a project that was created to bring Italian cuisine to the homes of Spaniards and people all over the world, in a simple and fun way. In the name we find ‘Nonna’, grandmother, the one who cooks par excellence in the traditional way. The easiest and most classic Italian […]
Cherry Chocolate

Cherry Chocolate (2023) For this project I set myself a challenge: to create a packaging design in 24 hours. The choice, being a sweet tooth, fell on a cherry chocolate bar. I therefore designed the cherries and looked for a font that suited my needs. I then modified it to give the effect that it […]
Spritz Can & Ginger Can

Spritz Can & Ginger Can (2023) For this exercise of beverage packaging, I chose to make the canned version of two drinks typical of my region, Veneto, in Italy.The Spritz is an alcoholic drink with wine and Aperol. The Gingerino is a non-alcoholic drink a base of ginger. Both have the taste of orange and are […]