saracinesca design

Mare conforto

Mare conforto (2024) Mare Conforto is an editorial project that plays on the layout between photos and text. The sea photos were taken from various magazines and edited digitally.  The unpublished texts are poems or writings I have composed, they are not related to each other except for the fact that in some way they are […]

Grazie Nonna

Grazie Nonna (2023) “Grazie nonna” is a project that was created to bring Italian cuisine to the homes of Spaniards and people all over the world, in a simple and fun way. In the name we find ‘Nonna’, grandmother, the one who cooks par excellence in the traditional way. The easiest and most classic Italian […]

Cherry Chocolate

Cherry Chocolate (2023) For this project I set myself a challenge: to create a packaging design in 24 hours. The choice, being a sweet tooth, fell on a cherry chocolate bar. I therefore designed the cherries and looked for a font that suited my needs. I then modified it to give the effect that it […]

Perdida Magazine

Perdida Magazine (2023) Perdida Magazine is a personal cover design project. The design of each volume was made with the collage technique, an artistic technique to which I am very attached. They all represent, in different ways the sense of disorientation and confusion, hence the name of the magazine “Perdida,” a Spanish word meaning “lost”. […]

Prato fiorito

Prato fiorito (2023) “Poi tu cercami in mezzo a un prato fiorito” is then you look for me in the middle of a flowery meadow. An happy and colorful illustration that almost looks like a tapestry.

Cuore non duole

Cuore non duole (2023) “Cuore non duole” is an illustration based on the famous Italian proverb “eye does not see, heart does not grieve.” In this case, the negation is erased suggesting that sometimes, even though we do not know, suffering is not spared to us.


Babé (2023) This was an art direction project for a real brand. We were commissioned to make 15 posts including photos and videos for the Instagram profile of the Babé brand. So we first designed the feed by doing several sketches and then took the photos in one session. We decided to alternate more classic […]

Mano Pata

Mano Pata (2022) Mano Pata was an exercise of graphic identity for an animal association in Valencia. I redesigned the previous logo and created the related merchandise. The logo is handwritten by me and it’s a pun between the letter “m” and the “p” that together create the double shape of an hand (mano) and a paw […]

Spritz Can & Ginger Can

Spritz Can & Ginger Can (2023) For this exercise of beverage packaging, I chose to make the canned version of two drinks typical of my region, Veneto, in Italy.The Spritz is an alcoholic drink with wine and Aperol. The Gingerino is a non-alcoholic drink a base of ginger. Both have the taste of orange and are […]

Grunge Playlist

Grunge Playlist (2022) The project of rebranding Spotify’s Grunge playlist took place during a workshop at the design studio Vasava, located in the city of Barcelona, a training experience included in Barreira’s Master in graphic design. For two intense and creative days we worked with the aim of completely transforming the visual aspect of the […]